Thursday, September 28, 2017

The boys challenge you!

On a scale of 1-10, with 1 being bad and 10 being good,
how would you rate this pictures of us outside our great-great grandmother's house?

Well, since five of you have been reading our blog thoroughly and the other thirty-five (we know who you are and where you live) of you have been looking at the pictures and skimming, we are going to quiz you guys.  Provide answers in the comments to this blog, or in Marta’s Facebook page.  -Daniel, Eli, and Micah

First place prize:  Marta Woodward will like every single Facebook post you will ever make.

Second place prize:  Tigrinya tutoring for free upon our return.

Third place prize:  We will give you a side salad, something that is missing at many restaurants here. (Watch The Simpsons Visit Ethiopia)

  1. How many countries does Ethiopia border (name all of of them)?
  2. What is the name of the famous 3.5 million year old human-like fossil found in the Afar region of Ethiopia?
  3. What is our dog’s name, and why did we name him that?
  4. What is the most predominant religion in Ethiopia?
  5. How far back does the Axumite empire date?
  6. What is the capital of the Tigray region of Ethiopia?
  7. What is the name used to describe white people in Ethiopia? (Two answers might be possible here)
  8. What is one of the most famous endemic animals in Ethiopia? (Hint, there’s an Ethiopian beer named after it)
  9. Are donations to priests who serve in ancient cliff-side churches obligatory or voluntary?
  10. What is the name of the pan used to make injera?
a) Mitad
b) Gas canister
c) Injera maker
d) Ferenji

Bonus Question:
Provide one way of saying “Hello” in Tigrinya or Amharic

Bonus Bonus Question:

Is Hazal an evil child or is she just flawed, like all tragic heroes?  Would she have been better off if she had not been switched at birth with Kansu?

Thanks for taking our quiz, and please enjoy this picture of the stelae at Axum.


  1. Hi

    I posted my answers on Marta's Facebook messenger. How did I do?

    The bonus didn't ring any bells. I have to google that one.

    can't wait for the next one.

    Love from Moscow.


  2. Holy cow, this is hard! Without doing any studying:
    1) 4? Eritrea, and no idea
    2) Lucy?
    3) Teddy! I forgot why...
    4) Christianity?
    5) Um...
    6) All I know is that you're in Mekele
    7) China? Still don't know why they call you that.
    8) ??
    9) Voluntary, but it feels obligatory
    10) Mitad

    Bonus: Apparently I need to win second placein this quiz so I can have lessons. ☺

    Bonus Bonus: Evil child!

  3. Oooo, quizzes. I am by far the best at quizzes. Bring my prizes chop chop.

    1) Kenya, Sudan, Eritrea, Somalia and Djibouti
    2) Lucy? But it’s not Lucy. Meseret?
    3) Teddy- because you are all Spanish American War history buffs.
    4) Trick question- it’s Islam, isn’t it?
    5) 12th Century
    6) Meleke
    7) Ferenje reprezent!
    8) Endemic and famous and a beer? Must be St. George. (and don’t tell me a sheep is famous, I’ll fight you. Bois, ask your mithe about her and auntie’s Trish’s shit joke about sheeps. It is legendarily unfunny.)
    9) Excellent question. You should how asked guys to show their working. Correct answer is voluntary, but also obligatory, plus indirect costs assessed at a 15% rate per additional child assistant guide over gradient. Total = all the mpeshas you have and even that is not enough. Tightwads.
    10) Mitad.
    Bonus questions:
    11) Hghowarryewahmphyan?
    12) Switching at birth accomplished nothing. Evil prevails.

    Bonus bonus questions for YOU because you think you’re so smart.

    a) When it comes to bringing the pose game when the paps start snapping, why is Micah just so streets ahead? Guy has brought moves such as the seated manspread, the baleful saint, and a Wu-Tang neck protecta- you other brothers can’t deny. When will other Ood’ards up their game?

    b) If Dawit orders two chesseburgers, Mesfin orders a chicken burger, Abeba orders the goat sliders, and Demeku has the Rastafarian surprise burger, how many burgers to they have?
    If you guessed nothing burgers, you are correct.

    1. X, you might win based in general shadiness and intimate knowledge of how to bamboozle test givers. Well done. You can at least nab a tutorial, since I think someone might yet be ahead of you!

    2. Whut? Have I been Ghastinated?

      Stewards enquiry is demanded and I'm wondering why my bribes to the Invigilator have not got me better results.

  4. Hmmmmmmmmmm. 1, Eritrea. Kenya. Sudan. Somalia. Maybe some others. 2. Lucy 3'. Teddy. Teddy Afro. 4. Orthodox Christian. 5. B.c. 3000. 6. Mekele 7. Ferenji. 8. Camel. 9. Obligation or else kill kill 20. Mitad

    Flawed. She would have been soooooooooo much better off. But then you would have nothing to do at 8pm every night

  5. Ohhhhhhhhhh the picture. Irate it a one. Your great great grandmother would insist that you all get haircuts asap

    1. I will consult with the boys to see if whether it's Kil kil for you to participate, Tasha, since you have an unfair advantage

  6. I only know one of the answers, and only part of it! teddy is your dog's name, but I have no idea why. Love your blog!!

    1. Gail, you will surely win at least one item from a side salad

  7. Z just post the answers. I can’t keep giggling between google and Siri and FB to get 100% ��
